Colorado Springs Usps Blue Mailboxes Being Broken Into

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

1 The Tin Man

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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Wizard of Oz fans will enjoy this Tin Man mailbox in Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin. Created by metal art enthusiast Wally Keller, it stands on the front of his property. He had a passion for creating metal sculpture until he passed away in 2009.

All this tin man needs is a yellow brick road leading back to the house to complete the theme. And maybe a young girl and a lion to keep him company. If this was the case, the concept would be reproduced to perfection!

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2 Oh Deer!

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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A traveler posted this pic of three crazy deer mailboxes they spotted for sale at a roadside stand in Crawfordville, Florida. We can't decide if these mailboxes are terrifying or awesome. We have to admit they are original, though.

But either way, we would say that is a target-rich environment! Ha ha! In any case, the person who owned these mailboxes certainly liked hunting, otherwise we can't explain the concept. Not everyone can appreciate these.

3 Scooby-Doo Pez

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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We love this amazing Scooby-Doo Pez dispenser mailbox because it mixes two awesome things, Scooby-Doo and Pez! It's the perfect place to store your Scooby snacks, that's for sure. We also really like the "Pupeez" pun on the foot of the box.

This gives us total mailbox goals and would be perfect for the adult that refuses to grow up. Besides, we stubbornly refuse to grow old. We want that mailbox. Can we have it, please? We need to find out where it is!

4 Beam Me Up, Scotty

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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According to CNET, Reddit user ModXMV posted this pic of their uncle's creation, a DIY Star Trek mailbox named the NCC-USPS. It's even solar-powered and lights up at night. We have to admit, that's quite impressive.

We hope they set the lasers to stun or the postal worker is in for a surprise! One thing is absolutely certain, the person who created this mailbox is definitely a big Star Trek fan! At least it was only the mailbox that he modified and not his entire house!

5 Manatee Hula Girl

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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Manatee mailboxes are sweeping the nation and this hula girl is our favorite. They're created by artist Bill Sinnamon from Tavernier, Florida, and people have been placing them in front of their houses all over the United States.

The best part is that many people dress them up in different outfits for each holiday, so even if you're used to seeing a certain mailbox at your neighbor's house, you may be in for a few surprises during the year!

6 Winter Delivery

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America
RV Travel

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The folks over at RV Travel invited their readers to submit pictures of funny mailboxes they encounter. One of their reader named Todd Leiser sent this hilarious photo of a "Winter Delivery" mailbox, and we find it really funny.

"This is on North Whitefish Point Road on the way to the Shipwreck Museum in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan," he wrote. If the height of this mailbox is anything to go by, it must snow like crazy on North Whitefish Point Road.

7 Corn-On-The-Cob

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America
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Another RV Travel reader named Rick Davidson snapped this funny photo of a corn-on-the-cob mailbox that he found in Brenland, Indiana, which is also known as the "corn country," according to what he wrote.

We corn-gratulate him on such an outstanding find. This is for sure a pretty original and creative mailbox. This is a really huge corn-on-the-cob! In our opinion, it either belongs to a farmer or to someone who really loves corn a lot.

8 At-At Mailbox

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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A reader submitted this picture of an At-At Star Wars mailbox to the well-known travel website Roadside America. A local resident named Jason Hurst built this really cool and original mailbox in Kansas City, Missouri.

The tipster wrote, "Jason made this mailbox after a drunk driver took out the original," and that it's anchored "with six feet of rebar and 500 pounds of concrete. It's not going anywhere if another driver hits it." This mailbox is there to stay!

9 Cat In The Hat

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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Someone made this whimsical mailbox out of snow and it gives a wink to everybody's favorite children's book author, Dr. Seuss. Who doesn't love The Cat In The Hat? This is one of the most popular children's stories!

We like that the cat's mouth is in fact the mailbox slot. This has got to make the postal deliverer chuckle when they deliver the mail. This is a great way to brighten someone's day! Too bad this mailbox is ephemeral, though.

10 The Red Baron

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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A Twitter user shared this photo of a Snoopy mailbox along with the caption, "How cute is this? The bird's name, anyone?" Only a true Peanuts fan will know the answer to that question. The bird's name is Woodstock, of course. Now, what do we win?

We really like this mailbox. It is simple, but original and colorful, and it can only make nostalgic and joyful the passers-by who cross its path. By the way, did you know that the very first Peanuts comic strip was published on October 2, 1950?

11 Scuba Diver

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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This Scuba Diver Mailbox sits in front of the Diving Museum in Islamorada in the Florida Keys. We give them several points for creativity because that totally makes us want to visit the museum. It must be something in the water. Ba-dump-bum!

Joking aside, this mailbox is perfectly thematic with the place it serves. It couldn't be better! It's like this old-school diver went to the bottom of the water and brought it back specifically to serve this purpose.

12 The Cowboy

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America
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A RV Travel reader named Tim Buchanan spotted this awesome guy with the big guitar near the Sonic restaurant in Russell, Kansas. Who doesn't love a guitar-playing cowboy? That mailbox is fingerpickin' good.

We love how this mailbox was made with the means at hand, using abandoned objects to give them a second life. The person who made it is really creative, and we will always encourage recycling. This mailbox is really cool!

13 Oversized Mixer

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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You can find this large, red stand mixer mailbox in front of a store in Columbus, Ohio. That thing is pretty huge and looks like it would only be safe for a giant to use. It's a whisk that we're just not willing to take.

Imagine how much this stand mixer can mix at once! It would make an enormous cake that could feed a really huge number of people. Dessert for everyone! That's how you make your people happy. Take notes!

14 The Dragon

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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A dragon mailbox has been found in front of a home in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Does anybody else think that dragon looks like it's up to something? Although, whoever made that mailbox is super talon-ted.

The person who lives there is probably a huge fan of the medieval period, or at the very least, a real dragon enthusiast. Maybe he loved Game of Thrones pretty much, too. In any case, he certainly has one of the most original mailboxes we have ever seen!

15 Fire Hydrant

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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Artist Rick LaJoie built this clever fire hydrant mailbox for a Ventura County fire station in California. The chainsaw hacking away at the hydrant is the best part. We sure hope the department filled out all the required permits to use this hydrant.

It is definitely a work of art. This mailbox is extremely well thought out, couldn't be more thematic, and is just colorful and original enough to catch the eye of all the passersby. Rick LaJoie is definitely a talented man!

16 Cookie Monster

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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Sesame Street fans will absolutely love this clever Cookie Monster mailbox. Crafty readers should grab some blue fur and squiggly eyes because this looks like a rather easy DIY job to us. Either way, it's so cute!

The only thing that would make it better would be if Cookie Monster said "Om Nom Nom Nom" when the mail went in the slot. Not only would it be really funny, but it would also serve as a signal to the residents of the house that the mail has arrived!

17 Vintage Television Camera

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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Have you ever wondered what happened to all the old-school television cameras? The technology has evolved so much that they are definitely not useful anymore. Well, according to the blog Eyes of a Generation, a certain John Lessa up-cycled one into a mailbox in Danville, Indiana.

Seriously, what a great idea! That old camera would probably have ended up in the trash anyway, so might as well use it for something different, right? The only thing is that we wish that the postal worker who delivers their mail is not camera shy.

18 Fashion Statement

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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This mailbox could not be more original. We don't know if its owner is a beautician or a hairdresser, but in any case, she is a great lover of abstract art. We wonder if the mailbox thanks the mailman with a sensual voice when he slips a letter in the crack of his lips?

It is difficult to determine what this mailbox represents. Lips, that's obvious, but for the rest? It looks like a strange bone structure while the flowerpot-like things on top look like teeth. It's all very strange. 10 points for originality, though!

19 R2-D2 Mailbox

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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Flickr user Jassy-50 posted this photo of an R2-D2 mailbox they saw in Boston, Massachusetts along with the caption, "Star Wars postage stamps went on sale this past Friday, and the US postal service seems to have gone all out with this new issue. There were news stories of postal workers dressing up in costumes."

In the well-known, immortal words of Darth Vader, "The force is strong with this one." We absolutely love this mailbox! It is really well done, no one can deny it.

20 Snorkeler

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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According to Travel Dreams, the Ocean Reef Club in Key Largo, Florida is known for having extreme mailboxes. This snorkeler is just one example of how clever the residents are when it comes to their fun mailboxes.

They got 99 problems, but snorkeling definitely ain't one. We love it when mailboxes are created to be in the same theme as the building they are in front of. It's not a big deal, but it's a nice little nod from the owners!

21 Don't Be An A**

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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This donkey looks like it's not too happy to have mail shoved into its rear end. Well, we can understand, after all. We love that you have to pull its tail to open the mailbox, but we'd be angry too if someone did this to us.

We can't help but wonder if the mail carrier finds this mailbox to be annoying or a-mule-sing? In any case, he probably has a lot of fun every time he has to deliver mail to this address! We would have some, anyway!

22 Chiropractor Mailbox

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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Dr. Neil Jay Rabin of Charleston, South Carolina, has this pretty unusual mailbox in front of his chiropractic office. Not only is this a really clever marketing strategy, but it's also a landmark for the city of Charleston.

This spine letterbox is really original! We can easily believe that people can make a detour to see it when they are passing through this city. In any case, that chiropractor must be a funny guy because this mailbox cracks me up.

23 Fishing Lure

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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Travel Dreams highlighted another fun and colorful mailbox at the Ocean Reef Club in Key Largo, Florida. This fishing lure mailbox would be perfect for the fisherman in your life. The homeowner seems to be fishing for compliments.

We have to admit that even for people who are not fishing enthusiasts like us, this mailbox is really amazing. We love the idea, but also its metallic aspect that gives it several colors. There are even hooks for small packages!

24 Mail Sorter

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America
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Whoever made this mail sorting mailbox is a total genius. Nobody likes opening junk mail, bills, or taxes. Then, these stacked mailboxes are the perfect solution. Although, it must be taxing for the mail deliverer to reach the top mailbox.

Although we find the idea behind this mailbox fantastic and very funny, we wonder how much time the mailman takes to sort the letters to put them in the right place. We have the impression that everything ends up in the box that is most accessible to him!

25 Tour De What?

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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In our opinion, this bizarre cyclist mailbox is beyond tasteless. Maybe the owner is mad at the mailman from receiving too much junk mail? Otherwise, why else would they force them to place mail in the bike rider's tush?

This is just a wheelie terrible idea! On a more serious note, we'd be very curious to know who thought that such a mailbox was a good idea. Did that person think it was funny? Did they ever wonder if maybe it was inappropriate?

26 BBQ Grill

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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This BBQ grill mailbox was spotted in a rural area and we predict that it's owned by a grill master. Of maybe even by a chef? We're feeling hungry just from looking at it. Do you prefer your mail seared or hickory-smoked?

We only hope for the mailman's sake that the door of this mailbox is not too hot, because his hands might suffer! But maybe the owner has planned ahead and the gloves are provided, who knows! That would be a nice attention.

27 The Kraken

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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This is one way to make your house stand out from the rest of the homes on the block. You don't see a blue octopus mailbox every day and the craftsmanship on this one is pretty amazing. We think a Kraken mailbox is tenta-cool!

Plus, if you look closely at the picture, it's not just an octopus mailbox, it's a photographer octopus mailbox! That's even better! We hope the mailman noticed the camera and gives it his best smile every day. Say cheese!

28 Coconut Stand

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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Leave it to someone living in the Florida Keys to set up a coconut stand by their mailbox. After all, why not? The owners of this house have to get rid of it, they have so much! And you really can't beat the price of these coconuts, either.

We bet that the neighbors go coco-nuts for this mailbox. One wonders if this mini business is lucrative for the owners? How many coconuts do you think they sell per day? And does the mailman get a discount? Or a free coconut when he delivers good news, maybe?

29 Microwave Mailboxes

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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The residents on this rural road took matters into their own hands and replaced all of their mailboxes with microwaves. This is actually a really great way to recycle old appliances, and we absolutely love the idea.

Talk about hot mail! Maybe these people really do get a LOT of letters, so a regular mailbox wasn't enough to fit them all? Imagine how much mail can fit in a microwave! You can even put small packages in there, so in our opinion, this is perfect.

30 Power Lines

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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Someone spotted this transformer mailbox in front of a person's home in Massachusetts. The homeowner must be a lineman, or maybe they just really appreciate power lines. Either way, this mailbox is quite shocking!

One can't help but wonder if it took the mailman a while to find the mailbox the first time he went to deliver mail there? We know it says "US Mail" on it, but still. At first glance, if you look quickly, it really looks like a simple transformer.

31 Hammer Time

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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The folks who live at 9100 Old Bunkum want the entire world—or at least their neighbors and their mailman—to know that they absolutely love hammers. They are so into hammers that they turned their mailbox into one.

They totally nailed it, if you ask us! This mailbox is very well done, and we wonder who had this idea. Maybe this person works in construction? That would make sens. Imagine the size of the nail that could be used with this hammer!

32 Nintendo Fan

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America
Bored Panda

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A hiker came upon this Game Boy mailbox hidden in the mountains of Japan and posted a pic on Twitter. We can't help but wonder if it requires huge AA batteries. Does anybody else hear the Mario theme song when they look at this?

We love the idea of the mailbox in the shape of an old Game Boy, and even if it doesn't look well maintained, we think it adds to its charm. After all, it's an old vintage item, so it's normal that it's not in perfect condition!

33 Big Boy

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America
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This detached arm of a Big Boy's fiberglass statue was modified into a mailbox and spotted in Northridge, California. We can't decide if this is clever or disturbing. and we just have one question. Where is the rest of him?

In the end, I think we would opt more for disturbing. And is it just us who is bothered by the little mailbox door in the burger that doesn't line up very well with the rest of it? Our little OCD side is slightly triggered here.

34 Holy Cow

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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We bet this cow is totally "legen-dairy" on its street. Just seeing it definitely lifts our "moo-d". Are these silly puns making you spit up your milk? Well, sorry about that. But we can't help it because this is one "udderly" adorable mailbox.

Really, this little cow mailbox is one of the cutest we've had the chance to see. It's a shame it's missing a little bit of its mouth, though. We wonder what could have happened to it? But she is still very pretty and friendly!

35 Hold My Mail

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America
Bored Panda

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The folks who live at 701 Airport would like you to hold their mail. That is the literal interpretation of what's going on here. Hope they get a handle on their packages, though, because this mailbox is totally crushing it!

It is difficult to evaluate the size of this mailbox, but it seems to us that it's quite big. Anyway, it is a good thing, because with this hand which crushes it, it remains all the same enough to put several letters there, and potentially even a small parcel!

36 Fancy Fish

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America
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We're not sure what to make of this bit of a creepy fish in formal wear. From the red lipstick to the beautiful earrings, she is ready to greet the delivery person in style. This mailbox is so classy, it's really "so-fish-ticated".

One wonders if the person wanted to give her a Marilyn Monroe style, perhaps, given the mole on the edge of her upper lip? Except that this fish looks old and weird, so the effect is not really successful. This mailbox does absolutely no justice to this icon!

37 The Cutest Cat

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America
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Cat lovers will adore this cute mailbox on this list because it is "paw-sitively " adorable. We're not "kitten" around, either. We love it "fur" real. This mailbox is "purr-fect"! Sorry if these cat puns are a bit much, we're done for "meow".

Any cat lover on this planet can only appreciate this mailbox and want one from now on. And we can't blame them, because we admit we really want a cat mailbox too! Now that we know it exists, it seems we can't live without it!

38 Un-fore-gettable

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America
Bored Panda

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These people took their love of golf to the next level. Only a hardcore golfer would put this in their front yard, that's for sure. We don't hate it, though, quite the contrary. Have you ever seen a more "tee-rific" mailbox?

It's original and creative, but it's not as flashy as some of the other mailboxes we've seen, so it still blends in well with the surroundings. These owners can show off their passion for golf without attracting too much attention.

39 The Perfect Blend

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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An online user posted a pic of this ingenious way to upcycle a broken appliance. The owners of 65B Atley definitely had a great idea. Words cannot "espresso" how much we love it. Let's just say that we like it a "latte".

Only a coffee lover would convert an espresso maker into a mailbox like that, and we think it's absolutely "brew-tiful". This machine seems to us to have been of great quality. We would be curious to know what they replaced it with in their kitchen?

40 Pole Position

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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This delightful mailbox would make anyone smile. Except for the penguin, who looks a bit lost with no snow on the ground. And this is quite normal when you usually live in the Arctic! Does it look perplexed to you?

Either way, this penguin mailbox is just so adorable. Whoever created it is "brrrr-illiant"! It seems to me that living in this area, we would tend to give a name to this penguin and greet him every time we pass by!

41 Vroom Vroom

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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Heres's something that you don't see every day. Or even every month, or every year. That's pretty unique, let's face it! Someone converted a small wooden car into an original mailbox, complete with real rubber wheels.

The addition of that stuffed animal really fuels our happiness. We think this race car mailbox is "wheely" great! Do you think the person who built this mailbox did so at the request of their child, perhaps? That would seem to be a very valid explanation, and also very cute!

42 Prehistoric Mail

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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A person posted this picture of a mailbox they came upon and it is giving off some scary vibes. It has a letterbox in one hand and a human skull in the other. So, yeah, we might have a few questions to ask about this one.

Does anyone else think this is terrifying? Is this some sort of warning for the postal worker? They might want to think twice about delivering packages to this house. You couldn't pay us to get near that thing. Either way, this T-Rex mailbox is a sight for "saur" eyes.

43 Drum Solo

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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Music-lovers will be excited about this photo someone shared online of a mailbox seen in their neighborhood. We strongly suspect that a drummer lives in this house. After all, who else would transform a drum into a mailbox?

It's actually pretty clever. Does the mail delivery person hit the gong after they make a delivery? Maybe they hit the cymbal to alert the mail has arrived. We wouldn't be able to resist making some sort of obnoxious noise. Regardless, this mailbox is a sound investment. Ba Dum Tsh!

44 Bad To The Bone

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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Now here's something you don't see every day. Someone transformed an old motorcycle into a mailbox. Okay, that's a bit strange, but as if that wasn't strange enough, they added two skeleton bikers to this mix. That's some mail with an attitude!

We love that they even put a bandana on the riders' skulls, that is a really nice attention to detail. Not to mention the tiny Jolly Roger on the engine casing. The owners of this mailbox must be absolutely "Harley-rious"!

45 Surf's Up

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We've got to admit, this next entry is totally tubular. A group of neighbors turned their old surfboards into mailboxes. Something tells us that they live near the ocean. Not exactly sure about what gave that away, huh?

Regardless, this is a fun way to display old nice surfboards, and it must definitely put a smile on the delivery person's face. The way they are lined up looks very official, though. Is this some sort of board meeting or something?

46 High Octane

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America
Bored Panda

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Can you imagine driving through your neighborhood and seeing this retro gas pump transformed into a mailbox? The mailbox is pretty cool, but we wonder if drivers ever mistake this person's home for a gas station and stop to fill up.

That would get annoying pretty quick if you ask us. That's just a risk you take to be original. Although we have to admit that it's in great condition for being such an old pump. The owner of this mailbox must be pumped to get their mail.

47 Mantis Mailbox

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America
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This praying mantis mailbox just screams "proceed with caution". Only an insect-lover would have something this creepy in their front yard. Look at those beady yellow eyes; don't you find them a bit terrifying? Because we do!

We'd be too nervous to pick up our mail if we had to face that thing every day. We would also be potentially afraid of breaking it. After all, the mailbox seems to fit only precariously between these two little metal rods. Does the delivery person feel like this mailbox is preying on them?

48 The Land Of Giants

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Nestled away in a rural town in America, a community of giants takes mail delivery very seriously. We can only imagine how large their junk mail must be, but also the immense size of the mailman's truck. It must be HUGE!

Okay, none of that is true, of course, but it sure is fun to imagine how mail would be handled in a giant community, don't you agree? Either this mailbox is huge or that lady is really tiny! And isn't it ironic that this giant mailbox belongs to the Youngs?

49 Oh, Man!

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America
Bored Panda

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The person who created this fascinating mailbox must be crafty. Seriously, who else would see a mailbox on a headless mannequin if not an artist? They just grabbed some silver spray paint and went to town on that thing.

We have to admit, it's hideous and kind of cool at the same time. We can't stop looking at it, kind of like passing an accident on the highway. Now that's what we call a "male" box. This is really an interesting mailbox.

50 Say Cheese!

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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Can you picture driving past this adorable Nikon camera mailbox? Either this is located in front of a camera shop or the person who lives there is a photographer. Regardless, this member of the Dobrasz family did a great job at constructing it.

We've never seen anything like it before, so they win the "most original" award on this list. This mailbox has no negatives. We find it absolutely perfect. It is so cute, it almost looks like a toy. We bet the kids love it!

51 The Vulture

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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We've heard of people making a mailbox into their favorite animal, but we've never heard of anyone turning their mailbox into a vulture. The folks who live at this address probably have a grim outlook on life.

Vultures are not a pleasant sight to see. Although, the owner of this mailbox must be dead serious about getting their mail. Fortunately, this mailbox is so colorful it almost looks like a cartoon. It makes it less threatening!

52 The Circus Is In Town

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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There is so much to unpack about this bizarre mailbox that is clearly one of a kind. At least, we kind of hope it is. We suspect that someone raided their child's toy box to create this thing, or it is a person who really loves the circus.

From the plastic horse to the scary clown driver, to the stuffed tiger in the cage, it's quite a work of art. This mailbox has a roaring with laughter. Really, it is so over the top and ridiculous that you can't help but laugh while watching it!

53 Miss Piggy

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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It's time to put on make-up, it's time to light the lights! Listen, we love The Muppet Show just as much as the next person—we swear we do!—but we definitely not love it as much as whoever made this Miss Piggy mailbox.

Although Miss Piggy is looking so fancy in her purple dress and flower hat. Kermit the Frog would totally approve of this outfit. And please forgive us, but we have a bad "dad joke" to go with this pic; this mailbox is for snort mail!

54 The King

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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Are there any Elvis fans out there? If so, you'll absolutely love this Elvis mailbox that a person spotted outside of a pawnshop. It looks like it's seen better days and would be the perfect mailbox to stand in the Heartbreak Hotel.

But let's be serious now. It's not to be rude or anything, but it is, in fact, really ugly. This mailbox has us all shook up! But not necessarily in the right way. The feeling is not really pleasant when we look at this mailbox.

55 Hot Dog

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America
Ugly Mailboxes

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It may be rare to see the Oscar Myer Wiener mobile in real life, so someone created their own miniature version and used it as a mailbox. We think that whoever Mr. Eds Wieners is has a pretty great sense of humor.

The delivery person probably wants a hot dog real bad after delivering the mail to this address, and now, of course, we would like a hot dog too. Please, someone bring us some hot dog! This mailbox is a real wiener.

56 Bumble Bee

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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This handmade bumble bee mailbox was spotted for sale on Etsy. It would be the perfect thing for a beekeeper, or a real bee lover, and for just $255, you too could have an overpriced delivery box to collect your mail in.

Wouldn't it be awesome? Despite the high asking price—$255 is quite a lot for a mailbox!—it's actually kind of cute. Look how nice this big bee looks! The neighbors must be buzzing about this mailbox, that's for sure.

57 Covered Wagon

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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This next mailbox takes us back to the frontier days when people traveled in covered wagons. It's giving us some serious Little House on the Prairie vibes, which is never a bad thing. We would have loved to have known that time!

Just take a look at that cure, tiny red seat, which was probably borrowed from a children's bicycle. It's pretty adorable, don't you think? And of course, the red wheels match the seat perfectly. This mailbox is going places.

58 Cactus Flower

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A person posted this pic of a cactus mailbox on social media and it is quite impressive how it blends perfectly into the environment. This is a great idea for someone living in the desert. It almost looks like a real cactus. This mailbox pricks our interest.

We don't know who thought of creating this mailbox, but honestly, it's genius. It's not only original, but also discreet and very cute. We love it! Let's just hope the mailman doesn't confuse it with a real cactus when he's a little distracted!

59 The Sweetest

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America
Heart of Cars

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Someone captured this unique strawberry mailbox in rural America and it's just so sweet. We wonder if this stands in front of a strawberry patch or if someone is just a huge fan of the fruit. One could understand; strawberries are so good!

Regardless, just looking at it makes us hungry. We think this mailbox is berry cute! But now we would like to eat strawberries! Let's bet that if there is a strawberry field right next to it, the mailman must certainly go and pick some up sometimes.

60 Mail Harvester

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America
Bored Panda

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This mailbox that looks like a wheat harvester was snapped by a passerby on an American country road. That would be a very convenient way to get rid of junk mail if it really worked, don't you think? There is so much junk mail these days.

We just have one question for the farmer that owns it, though. Does this mailbox shred unwanted bills? If that's the case, we would like to have one too, please! Unfortunately, we would probably have to pay them anyway…

61 Snake Eyes

The Funniest Mailboxes Ever Seen In America

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Only a courageous person would choose to own a snake mailbox, especially when it looks like this one. That thing is just too slithery looking for us, even if it totally does look fake. Check out those massive fangs and red eyes!

We wouldn't want to tangle with that fella. We wouldn't want to be the mailman who has to deliver the mail to this address, that's for sure. Okay, we can admit when we're wrong. This mailbox is, in fact, hissssterical!

Leigh Hewett

Freelance writer and pop culture junkie, Leigh Hewett loves to keep her finger on the pulse of celebrity news. Her work has been featured on TheTalko, Babygaga, and TheRichest. Her hobbies include keeping up with the Kardashians, eating french fries, and driving her two sons to and from basketball practice, all while blasting 90s hip hop from her minivan.


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